Art Journey with Art 365

Art Class | Art and Caft Camp | Painting Party

Canvas Painting, Water Color, Color Pencil, Sketch, Craft and More

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Program Summary

Art365 has been serving in Marietta, East Cobb since 2008 by providing K-12 kids with a variety of art programs-Art Class, Art Portfolio, Art and Craft Camp (summer camp and school break camp), Painting Party.

Our programs are driven by self-discovery and confidence-building in everything related to art. Our seasonal camps will guide the children through a variety program aimed at three major areas - forming basic intuition about art, developing fundamental drawing skills, and creativity training. 

Art 365 offers carefully tailored, seasonal programs that are both fun and enthralling, so the students are always stimulated by new experiences while learning. In addition, the classes are designed to also help cultivate stronger interests in many different forms of art, and help develop the students' observation, critical thinking skills, as well as developing the basic aesthetic and appreciation for art.